Research lines
Political Economy of Media
Political Economy of Poverty, Inequality, Redistribution and Social Mobility
Political Economy of Conflict and Globalization
Political Economy of Urbanization and Climate Change
ERC Grants
Starting Grants
- Reynal-Querol, Marta (2008-2013)
- Calsamiglia, Caterina (2015-2020)
- Durante, Ruben (2018-2023)
- Enikolopov, Ruben (2015-2020)
- Petrova, Maria (2018-2023)
- Ponzetto, Giacomo (2017-2022)
Consolidator Grants
- Reynal-Querol, Marta (2015-2020)
- Bustos, Paula (2023-2028)
- Luigi Pascali (2023-2028)
Advanced Grants
- Reynal-Querol, Marta (2022-2027)
Forthcoming articles
- Gallego, Aina, Beltrán, J.; Huidobro, A.; Romero, E. and Padró, Ll. Male and Female Politicians on Twitter: A Machine Learning Approach. Forthcoming in European Journal of Political Research.
- Glitz, Albrecht, Brücker, H.; Lerche, A.; and Romiti, A. Occupational Recognition and Immigrant Labor Market Outcomes. Forthcoming in Journal of Labor Economics.
- Glitz, Albrecht and Meyersson, E. Industrial Espionage and Productivity. Forthcoming in American Economic Review.
- Llavador, Humberto and Carbonell-Nicolau, O. Elasticity Determinants of Inequality Reducing Income Taxation. Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Inequality.
- Llavador, Humberto and Carbonell-Nicolau, O. Inequality, Bipolarization, and Tax Progressivity. Forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.
- Petrova, Maria and Enikolopov, Ruben. Social Media and Protest Participation: Evidence from Russia. Forthcoming in Econometrica.
- Reynal-Querol, Marta and García Montalvo, José. Ethnic diversity and Economic Growth: Revisiting the evidence. Forthcoming in the Review of Economics and Statistics (2020), CEPR working paper.
Published articles
- Calsamiglia, Caterina and Loviglio, Annalisa. Grading on a Curve: When Having Good Peers is not Good. Economics of Education Review, 73, December 2019.
- Calsamiglia, Caterina and Flamand, Sabine. A Review on Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy, by Phillipe Van Paris and Yannick Vanderborght. Journal of Economic Literature, 57(3), September 2019.
- Calsamiglia, Caterina and Loviglio, Annalisa. Maturity and School Outcomes in an Inflexible System: Evidence from Catalonia. Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, July 2019.
- Ciccone, Antonio and Caselli, Francesco. The Human Capital Stock: A Generalized Approach: Comment.American Economic Review, 109 (3), 2019, 1155-1174.
- Chong, Alberto, Leon-Ciliotta, Gianmarco, Roza, Vivian, Valdivia, Martin and Vega, Gabriela. Urbanization Patterns, Information Diffusion and Female Voting in Rural Paraguay. American Journal of Political Science, 63(2), 2019, 323-341.
- Gallego, Aina and Kurer, Thomas. Distributional consequences of technological change: Worker-level evidence. Research & Politics, 6(1), 2019, 1-19.
- Gallego, Aina, Huidobro, Alba, Ospina, Yeimy and Curto-Grau, Marta. La formación de Gobiernos municipales: una nueva base de datos. Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 49, 109-128. (2019).
- Leon-Ciliotta, Gianmarco; Hansman, Christopher and Hjort, Jonas. Interlinked Firms and the Consequences of Piecemeal Regulation. Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(3), 2019, 876-916.
- Pascali, Luigi and Becker, Sascha. Religion, Division of Labor and Conflict: Anti-Semitism in German Regions over 600 Years. American Economic Review, 109(5), 2019, 1764-1804.
- Reynal-Querol, Marta and García Montalvo, José. Earthquakes and terrorism: The long run effect of seismic shocks. Journal of Comparative Economics, 2019.
- Reynal-Querol, Marta and García Montalvo, José. Religion and Conflict in Advances in the Economics of Religion (Palgrave 2019).
- Calsamiglia, Caterina and Güell, Maia. The Illusion of School Choice: Evidence from Barcelona. Journal of Public Economics, 163, July 2018.
- Carbonell-Nicolau, Oriol and Llavador, Humberto. Inequality Reducing Properties of Progressive Income Tax Schedules: The Case of Endogenous Income (2018). Theoretical Economics 13(1):39-60.
- Enikolopov, Ruben, Petrova, Maria and Sonin, Konstantin. Social Media and Corruption. American Economic Journals: Applied Economics, 10(1): 150-174. January 2018.
- Glaeser, Edward L., and Ponzetto, Giacomo, The Political Economy of Transportation Investment, Economics of Transportation, 13, 2018, 4-26
- Beath, Andrew, Fotini Christia, and Ruben Enikolopov, Direct Democracy and Resource Allocation: Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan, Journal of Development Economics, 124 (2017), 199–213
- Besley, Tim, and Reynal-Querol, Marta, The Logic of Hereditary Rule: Theory and Evidence, Journal of Economic Growth, 22 (2017), 123–44
- Gallego, Aina, and Paul Marx, Multi-Dimensional Preferences for Labour Market Reforms: A Conjoint Experiment, Journal of European Public Policy, 24 (2017), 1027–47
- Glitz, Albrecht, Coworker Networks in the Labour Market, Labour Economics, 44 (2017), 218–30
- Hoffman, Mitchell, Leon, Gianmarco, and María Lombardi, Compulsory Voting, Turnout, and Government Spending: Evidence from Austria, Journal of Public Economics, 145 (2017), 103–15
- Leon, Gianmarco, Turnout, Political Preferences and Information: Experimental Evidence from Peru, Journal of Development Economics, 127 (2017), 56–71
- Leon, Gianmarco, and Edward Miguel, Risky Transportation Choices and the Value of a Statistical Life, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 9 (2017), 202–28
- Pascali, Luigi, The Wind of Change: Maritime Technology, Trade and Economic Development, American Economic Review, 107 (2017), 2821–54
- Ciccone, Antonio and Ager, Philipp. Agricultural Risk and the Spread of Religious Communities, Supplementary Appendix. October 2016.
- Durante, Ruben, DellaVigna, Stefano, Knight, Brian and La Ferrara, Eliana. Market-based lobbying: Evidence from advertising spending in Italy. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(1), 224–256. 2016.
- Gallego, Aina. Inequality and the Erosion of Trust Among the Poor. Socio-Economic Review, 14(3): 443-460. 2016.
- Gallego, Aina, Buscha, Frank, Sturgis, Patrick and Oberski, Daniel. Places and preferences: A Longitudinal Analysis of Self-Selection and Contextual Effects. British Journal of Political Science, 46(3), 529-550. 2016.
- García Montalvo, José, Papaspiliopoulos, Omiros and Stumpf-Fetizon, Timothee, Predicting election with emerging parties, September 2016.
- García Montalvo, José. The Spanish banking system: the process of cleaning up the real estate assets, Spanish Economic and Financial Outlook, March 2016.
- Pascali, Luigi. Banks and Development: Jewish Communities in the Italian Renaissance and Current Economic Performance, the Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(1), 140-158. 2016.
- Ponzetto, Giacomo, Boffa, Federico and Piolatto, Amedeo Political Centralization and Government Accountability, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(1), 381-422, 2016.
- Ponzetto, Giacomo, Glaeser, Edward L. and Zou, Youwen. Urban Networks: Connecting Markets, People and Ideas, Papers in Regional Science, 95(1), 17–59, 2016.
- Ponzetto, Giacomo, Glaeser, Edward L. and Ashraf Nava, Infrastructure, Incentives, and Institutions. American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 106(5), 77–82, 2016.
- Reynal-Querol, Marta, Besley, Tim and Torsten Persson. Resilient Leaders and Institutional Reform: Theory and Evidence, Economica. 83(332): 584-623, October 2016.
- Amat, Francesc. La Redistribució a les Democràcies Parlamentàries: Els Efectes de la Competició Política Multidimensional, forthcoming in Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics (IEA), 5th International Prize Vilaseca i Marcet. Book.
- Enikolopov, Ruben, Beath, Andrew, Fotini, Christia, and Georgy Egorov. Electoral Rules and Political Selection: Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan, Review of Economic Studies, 83(3), 932-968, 2016.
- Enikolopov, Ruben and Maria Petrova. Media Capture: Empirical Evidence, Ch. 16 in Handbook of Media Economics (eds. S.P. Anderson, D. Stromberg, and J. Waldfogel), Elsevier. Book chapter. 2016.
- Gallego, Aina, Muñoz, Jordi andAnduiza, Eva. Why do voters forgive corrupt mayors? Implicit exchange, credibility of information, and clean alternatives. Local Government Studies, 42(4): 598-615. 2016.
- Petrova, Maria and David Yanagizawa Drott. Media Persuasion, Ethnic Hatred and Mass Violence: A Brief Overview of Recent Research Advances, Ch.12 in Economics of Genocide, Mass Killing, and Their Prevention (eds. C. Anderton and J. Brauer), Oxford University Press. Book chapter. 2016.
- Durante, Ruben, Buonanno, Paolo, Vanin, Paolo and Prarolo, Giovanni. Poor Institutions, Rich Mines: Resource Curse in the Origins of the Sicilian Mafia. Economic Journal, 125(586), F175-F202, August 2015.
- Enikolopov, Ruben, Adena, Maja, Petrova, Maria, Santarosa, Veronica and Katia Zhuravskaya. Radio and the rise of the Nazis in Prewar Germany, in Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130, 1885-1939. 2015.
- Gallego, Aina. Unequal Political Participation Worldwide. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2015.
- García Montalvo, José. Cleaning up the Spanish financial sector’s real estate risk exposure: situation and outlook, Spanish Economic and Financial Outlook, 4(5), 53-69, September 2015.
- Leon, Gianmarco and Valdivia, Martin, Inequality in school resources and academic achievement: Evidence from Peru , International Journal of Educational Development 40, 71-84. 2015.
- Llavador, Humberto, Roemer, John E. and Silvestre, Joaquim. North–south convergence and the allocation of CO2 emissions. Climatic Change, 130(3), 383–395. June 2015.
- Llavador, Humberto, Roemer, John E. and Silvestre, Joaquim. Sustainability for a Warming Planet (2015). Harvard University Press. ISBN:9780674744097
- Petrova, Maria, Durnev, Art and Veronica Santarosa. Politics, instability, and international investment flows, Journal of Corporate Finance, 30, 299-324. 2015.
- Queralt, Dídac. From Mercantilism to Free Trade: A History of Fiscal Capacity Building, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 10(2), 221-273. 2015.
- Queralt, Dídac and Mares, Isabela. The Non-Democratic Origins of Income Taxation, Comparative Political Studies, 48(14), 1974-2009. 2015.
- Amat, Francesc. Segunda Dimensión y Polarización Geográfica de los Resultados Electorales, en “Cataluña en la Encrucijada. Las Elecciones Catalanas de 2012”, ed. A.Rodon i L.Orriols, Marcial Pons. Francesc Amat. Book. 2014.
- Amat, Francesc and Albert Falcó-Gimeno. The Legislative Dynamics of Political Decentralization, Comparative Political Studies, 47. 2014.
- Ciccone, Antonio (et al.). One effect to rule them all? A comment on climate and conflict. Climatic Change, 127(3–4), 391–397. October 2014.
- Durante, Ruben, Putterman, Louis and van der Weele Joël. Preferences for redistribution and perception of fairness: An experimental study. Journal of the European Economic Association, 12(4), 1059–1086. 2014.
- Enikolopov, Ruben. Politicians, Bureaucrats and Targeted Redistribution, Journal of Public Economics, 120, 74-83. 2014.
- Enikolopov, Ruben, DellaVigna, Stefano, Mironova, Vera, Petrova, Maria and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya. Cross-border media and nationalism: evidence from Serbian radio in Croatia, American Economic Journals: Applied Economics, 6(3), 103–132. 2014.
- Enikolopov, Ruben, Petrova, Maria and Sergey Stepanov. Firm Value in Crisis: Effects of Firm-Level Transparency and Country-Level Institutions, Journal of Banking and Finance, 46, 72-84. 2014.
- Gallego, Aina and Pardos-Prado, Sergi. Personality traits and attitudes towards immigration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(1), 79-99. 2014.
- García Montalvo, José, Akin, Ozlem, Garcia, Jaume, Peydro, José Luis and Raya, Josep. The real state and credit bubble: evidence from Spain. SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 5(2-3), 223-243, August 2014.
- García Montalvo, José and Reynal-Querol, Marta. Cultural diversity, conflict and economic development( in Ginsburgh and Throsby (Eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture, Elsevier, 2014.
- García Montalvo, José. Back to “boring banking” in the age of deleveraging and new regulation, Spanish Economic and Financial Outlook, 3(1), 47-59, January 2014.
- García Montalvo, José. El impacto del big data en los servicios financieros, Papeles de Economía Española, 43-59, 2014.
- García Montalvo, José. Banca aburrida: el negocio bancario tras la crisis económica, capítulo 3 en Las Claves del Crédito Bancario tras la Crisis, Estudios de la Fundación Funcas (Serie Economía y Sociedad), 101-150, 2014.
- Ponzetto, Giacomo and Glaeser, Edward L. Shrouded Costs of Government: The Political Economy of State and Local Public Pensions .Journal of Public Economics, 116, 89-105, 2014.
- Ponzetto, Giacomo and Glaeser, Edward L. and Tobio, Kristina. Cities, Skills and Regional Change. Regional Studies, 48(1), 7-43, 2014.
- Reynal-Querol, Marta, and Besley, Tim. The Legacy of Historical Conflict. Evidence from Africa. American Political Science Review, 108(2), 319-336, May 2014.
- Amat, Francesc and Albert Falcó-Gimeno. The Arithmetics of Partisanship and Policy Outocmes in Parliamentary Democracies, Cuadernos Económicos del ICE, 85. 2013.
- Ciccone, Antonio. Estimating effect of transitory economic shocks on civil conflict, Review of Economic and Institutions, 4(2), 1–14. 2013.
- Ciccone, Antonio and Francesco Caselli. The contribution of schooling in development accounting: Results from a nonparametric upper bound. Journal of Development Economics, 104, 199–211. September 2013.
- Enikolopov, Ruben, Beath, Andrew and Fotini Christia. Empowering Women: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan, American Political Science Review, 107(3), 540-557. 2013.
- Enikolopov, Ruben, Gerring, John, Thacker, Strom, Arévalo, Julián and Matthew Maguire. Assessing health system performance: A model-based approach, Social Science & Medicine, 93, 21-28. 2013.
- Enikolopov, Ruben, Korovkin, Vasily, Petrova, Maria, Sonin, Konstantin and Alexei Zakharov. Electoral Fraud in Russian Parliamentary Elections in December 2011: Evidence from a Field Experiment, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(2), 448-452. 2013.
- Gallego, Aina, Anduiza, Eva and Muñoz, Jordi. Turning a blind eye: Experimental evidence of partisan bias in attitudes towards corruption. Comparative Political Studies, 46(12), 1664–1692, 2013.
- García Montalvo, José. The Spanish housing market: Is the adjustment over?, Spanish Economic and Financial Outlook, 2(5), 15-26, 2013.
- García Montalvo, José. La Unión Bancaria y el modelo de negocio bancario en Europa, Papeles de Economía Española, 137, 57-79, 2013.