Marta Reynal-Querol

ICREA Research Professor

Professor of Economics at UPF

Research Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics

Google Scholar Citation Profile


Short Bio

Marta Reynal-Querol is an ICREA Research Professor at the Department of Economics and Business at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Research Professor of the Barcelona School of Economics and director of IPEG. She is also an Affiliated Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics, and Director of the Master in Economics at UPF since 2012. She is a Research Fellow at the CEPR, a Research Fellow at the CEsifo and a Full Member at the EUDN. She is Fellow of the EEA. She was member of the Council of the European Economic Association (EEA) between 2011 and 2015. She is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Conflict Resolution and in the past of the European Journal of Political Economy. She won an ERC-Advanced grant in 2022, and ERC-Consolidator grant in 2014 and also an ERC-Starting grant obtained in the first call of the European Research Council in 2007. She is Premi Jaume I Economia 2022. She won the Banco Herrero prize 2011 awarded annually to an Spanish Social Scientist under 40 years old. She worked at the World Bank between 2001 and 2005. She holds a Ph. D. in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (2001) and a Master with Honors from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).

Publications and Working Papers

Recent working papers
  1. “Hierarchy Differences and the Social Foundations of State Capacity” (with M.Artiles and J. Voth) (2024)
  2. Distributional Effects of COVID-19 on Spending: A First Look at the Evidence from Spain(with J. G. Montalvo)
  3. Colonization, early settlers and development: the case of Latin America (with J.G. Montalvo)
  4. Gender and credit risk: a view from the loan officers’ desk (with J. G. Montalvo)
  5. Measuring inequality from above (with J. G. Montalvo and J.C. Muñoz)
  6. “Do Conquerors matter? Evidence from Latin America” (join with T. Besley) (2024)
    1. Improving the accessibility to public schools in urban areas of developing countries through a  location model (joint with Jesica de Armas and Helena Ramalhinho) Fortcoming in PLOS ONE, 2022
    2. Real-Time Inequality and the Welfare State in Motion: Evidence from COVID-19 in Spain (with Aspachs, Durante, Graziano, Mestres and Montalvo), Forthcoming in Economic Policy
    3. Tracking the impact of COVID-19 on economic inequality at high frequency (with Aspachs, Durante, Graziano, Mestres and Montalvo), PLOS ONE, 2021
    4. Ethnic diversity and growth: revisiting the evidence (wit J. G. Montalvo), forthcoming Review of Economics and Statistics, 2021.
    5. Earthquakes and terrorism: lhe long run effect of seismic shocks (join with José G. Montalvo), Journal of Comparative Economics, 2019.
    6. The logic of hereditary rule: theory and evidence (with T. Besley), Journal of Economic Growth, 2017.
    7. Resilient leaders and intstituional reform: Theory and Evidence (with T. Besley and T. Persson), Economica, 2016.
    8. The Legacy of Historical Conflict. Evidence from Africa (with T. Besley), American Political Science Review, 2014, 108 (2), 319-336.
    9. Do democracies select more educated leaders? (with T. Besley), American Political Science Review, August 2011, vol. 105 (3).
    10. Do educated leaders matter? (with T. Besley and J. G. Montalvo), Economic Journal, 121, 205-227, 2011.
    11. Poverty and civil wars: revisiting the evidence (with Djankov), Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 92 (4), nov. 2010.
    12. Ethnic polarization and the duration of civil wars (with J. Montalvo), Economics of Governance, vol 11 (2), april 2010.
    13. Aid with multiple personalities (with Djankov and Montalvo), Journal of Comparative Economics, 37, 217-229, 2009.
    14. The curse of aid (with Djankov and Montalvo), Journal of Economic Growth, 13 (3), September 2008, 1835-1865.
    15. Discrete polarization with an application to the determinants of genocides (with Montalvo), Economic Journal, 118 (553), November 2008, 1835-1865.
    16. The Aftermath of war (with Chen and Loayza), World Bank Economic Review, 2008.
    17. Fighting against malaria: prevent wars while waiting for the miraculous vaccines (with J. G. Montalvo). Data on malaria. Review of Economics and Statistics, 89 (1), 165-177, 2007. Reference to the main result of the paper in The Economist.
    18. Does foreign aid help? (with Djankov and Montalvo), CATO Journal, vol. 26 (1), winter 2006.
    19. Ethnic polarization, potential conflict and civil war (with J. G. Montalvo), American Economic Review, 95 (3), 796-816, June 2005.
    20. Does democracy preempt civil wars?, European Journal of Political Economy, 21, 445-465, June 2005.
    21. Ethnic diversity and economic development (with J. G. Montalvo), Journal of Development Economics, April 2005. Data on ethnic fractionalization and polarization (excel and stata) using the WCE. If used please cite M. Reynal-Querol (2002), “Ethnicity, political systems and civil wars” (Journal of Conflict Resolution 46(1), 29-54) and/or Montalvo and Reynal-Querol (2005), Ethnic polarization, potential conflict and civil war, American Economic Review, 2005.
    22. Religious polarization and economic development (with J. G. Montalvo), Economic Letters, August 2003.
    23. Ethnic divertsity, political systems and conflict (with J. G. Montalvo), Welt Trends, 38, 2003.
    24. Political Systems, Stability and Civil Wars, Defense and Peace Economics, Vol. 13(6), 2002. pp. 465-483.
    25. Ethnicity, Political Systems and Civil War, Journal of Conflict Resolution. Vol. 46 N.1, February 2002. 29-54. One of the most frequently cited articles of the Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Work in progress and old WP
  1. The economics of earhquakes (with J. G. Montalvo)
  2. The causes of civil wars (with S. Djankov), new version december 2010.
  3. The curse of aid (with S. Djankov and J. G. Montalvo), Universitat Pompeu Fabra Working Paper 870, June 2005, ABC segment on aid effectiveness. They use our paper “The curse of aid” in a discussion with J. Sachs (1-06-2006).
  4. A Contribution on the Measurement of Religious Diversity. PRPES Working Paper No.4 , Wheatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 2002.
UPF - Dept. Economía y Empresa WB IFC Books
  1. Breaking the Conflict Trap: Civil War and Development Policy. (joint with Paul Collier, Lani Elliot, Havard Hegre, Anke Hoeffler, Nicholas Sambanis) World Bank Policy Research Report. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2003. The Economist’s article on this book the 22nd of may of 2003.
  2. Book chapters and non-referred articles
  3. The Ethnic Roots of Conflict”, chapter forthcoming in a book on development/underdevelopment and armed conflict/security, edited by the Military Center for Strategic Studies, Ministero della Difesa, Roma, Italy, 2005.
  4. On the Measurement of Social Capital: conceptual and empirical issues” (joint with J.G. Montalvo), forthcoming Perez and Pardo (ed.) Social capital: a Multidisciplinary approach.
  5. “Measuring the Costs of Civil Wars”, (joint with Anke Hoeffler), Oxford University, Oxford U.K. (2003). Processed.
WB IVIE UPF - Dept. Economía y Empresa